Generate Google Service Account Key

3 months ago

In this blog post we are going to share a fastest way to index your webiste pages on Google Search Console to Get more traffic without writing single line of code.

We built a tool to index all your sitemap urls while you were sleeping.

First you singup using this link Login to URL Index and connect with your google search console account with single sign in.

After successful signup, you can fetch your all sites with a button.


Next Step: You will have all your sites listed on the dashboard. Now you have to click button "Fetch all URLs" to get all the URL of that site. When done then click button "Report" to see all the urls.

Site Page

We inspect all the URLs of your site and provide you with their index status. You can see the status numbers in the image above.

To index these URLs, we need your Google Service Account keys to act on your behalf. We'll guide you through the process of generating a service account key.

Getting Started

First things first, you'll need to enable the Indexing API.

  1. Visit the Google Cloud Platform console → Directly from here.
  2. Click "NEXT"and then "ENABLE".

Creating Your Service Account

Now that you've enabled the API, it's time to create your service account.

  1. Navigate to the service accounts page.
  2. Select the project where you want to create the service account.
  3. Look for the "CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT" button and give it a click.
  4. Fill out the form with your service account details. You'll need to provide:
    • Service account name
    • Service account ID
    • Service account description

Pro tip: You can skip the optional steps for now. Just click "Create and Continue" and then "DONE".

Steps to create service account

Downloading Service Account File

You're almost there! The final step is to download your File key:

  1. Find the service account you just created in the list.
  2. Click the three vertical dots in the Actions column.
  3. Select "Manage keys".
  4. On the next page, click "Add Key" and choose "Create new key".
  5. When prompted, select the JSON format (it's the default, so you can't go wrong here).
  6. Click "Create" and voilà! Your key will download automatically.

Manage Keys

And there you have it! You now have your very own Google Service Account file.

Now when you click button "Enable Auto Indecing". A drawer will open to upload this service account file and this is one time action.


That's all. Now you can put your sites on Autopilot for indexing. If you have any query and question then ask in the chat.

Happy Auto Indexing!